Lifelines: Dublin Jazzers For Gaza

Posted 8 months ago in Music

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Dublin Jazzers For Gaza recently released their new single, Lifelines (Mawtini), with all proceeds going to support the humanitarian work of Médecins Sans Frontières in Gaza.

As the ongoing catastrophe in Palestine continues to unfold, Dublin Jazzers for Gaza came together to record Mawtini, which was the Palestinian national anthem up to 1996.

The moving spoken word lyrics were composed by writer Billy O Hanluain, who also narrates the powerful poem that runs through the piece.

The video was made by Daragh McCarthy, who tells us that everyone involved would love to see it enter the charts in an act of international solidarity with those currently suffering in Gaza.

“Being able to say that the Palestinian National Anthem had charted in Ireland would be a great solidarity action for the people of Gaza. And would possibly draw even a little attention world-wide.”

Lifelines can be purchased on Bandcamp. Follow and donate here.

Please support if you can.

Words: Martina Murray


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