Nineteen for ’19 – Lisa Connell GCN

Posted January 3, 2019 in Design


“As part of their necessary reparations to the state/people of Ireland the church will hand over all of their properties” Lisa Connell,  Advertising and Development Manager at Gay Community News (GCN)


Your creative highlight of 2018?

Producing a large scale retrospective exhibition in the Gallery of Photography during Dublin Pride festival to mark and celebrate 30 years of Ireland’s national LGBTQ press, GCN. Titled Proof: 30 years of GCN (Gay Community News), the show was crowdfunded using Fund It and curated by the living legend Tonie Walsh.

Your personal creative goal for 2019?

I started writing more this year and so hope to get some work published in 2019.


You get to redesign or reimagine Dublin in one way, what would you do?

As part of their necessary reparations to the state/people of Ireland the church will hand over all of their properties. We’ll use the land/buildings to address the homelessness crisis and prioritise and provide green spaces and plant more trees. Not only because urban communities need and deserve more green space, but trees are the Earth’s lungs and we need more of them not less. Ireland has ranked worst in EU for performance on climate action.


How would you describe the Dublin of your dreams, in 18 words or less?

A city that leads the sustainable revolution needed in order for us to meaningfully tackle climate change.


Three of your local creative heroes, people who people need to know about.

Sharon Greene for her endless work on sustaining Dublin’s monthly flea market and yearly special Christmas Flea. The monthly flea was forced out of its home in Newmarket Square this year so hopefully she’ll be able to find a new venue. The flea is such a jewel in the city’s cultural crown.

Dave Darcy who designs GCN magazine and runs his own letterpress printing press, One Strong Arm. He’s a super creative designer, typesetter and total sounder.

SpiceBag is a queer performance night and dance party founded by the fabulous Stefan Fae and Sarah Devereux! Spicebag is a riot of a night out and Stephen and Sarah are delightfully creative performers!

Words: Richard Seabrooke


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