Roadmap: Fondita Mestiza

Posted 11 months ago in Food & Drink Features


Fondita Mestiza is a cultural project curated by Mexican immigrants which strives to “integrate art, culinary experiences and workshops.”

Every Saturday from August 26 until September 30, they are creating a menu inspired by dishes created in taquerias.

The brunch will be shared at a table available for up to six people in the flat of its founders Erick Carrillo and Andrea Flores in Ringsend. Accompanying the food is an exhibition of the photographic work of Fernando García a.k.a El Calpuleque with ‘Muerte Lenta’ which portrays the daily life of taquerias on the edge of Mexico City.


“Due to their geographical location and reputation for being in neighbourhoods considered unsafe and dangerous, they are kept away from mainstream trends and tourism. However, these spaces are vital for the people who inhabit them as they give meaning to their daily lives by becoming spaces of conviviality and aesthetic experiences. The scent of fat, meat, pork, coriander and other unrecognisable odours are the first essential features that constitute a taqueria…

It is especially at night when the taquero faithfully expresses his skill in the art of serving tacos. What is observed is no longer simply a person serving food, it is a performance. Ambulance sirens, “mentadas de madre”, dogs prowling around, gunshots fired into the air are sounds that accompany the development of the scene.”

Fondita Mestiza also deliver baguettes in or around Drury Street every Friday. DM for bookings and details.



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