Disparate Geometry @ Monster Truck

Rosa Abbott
Posted July 3, 2012 in Exhibition Previews


Whilst being exhibited as part of PhotoIreland’s programme, Disparate Geometry looks quite unlike anything else offered up by the photography event. Highly conceptual and visually abstract, the Monster Truck exhibition will explore a more experimental aspect of photography, toying with geometry and spatial deconstruction. Mark McCullogh and Suzanne Mooney both draw upon their image-making experience accumulated over years of camera wielding to focus on the medium of the photographic image itself – its misrepresentative qualities, and its status as an object. Depth (or lack thereof) becomes central, disorientating dimensions to the point of optical trickery. Both artists were born in Ireland but work abroad, so Disparate Geometry marks a good opportunity to watch the growth of their practices as they edge forwards into the realm of international acclaim. On top of all this, a parallel exhibition by Adrian Reilly will also be running upstairs in North of Monster Truck – truckin’ lovely.

Catch it at: Monster Truck, July 6th – 28th


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