Art Watch: Three For Your Consideration

Posted June 21, 2021 in Exhibition Previews


It’s been a while since we could focus on the beauty of art in real life. We’ve selected three absolute corkers for your consideration this month, as we begin to rediscover the joy of Dublin’s art galleries. If you plan on taking in an exhibition over the next while…

Consider these:


Sean Scully’s new exhibition at the RHA, Eleutheria

Impressive late-career show for the inveterate painter, displaying visions of his young son playing on the beach.

Until June 27


Luminous Void at the Project Arts Centre

An overview of the last twenty years of the Experimental Film Society, featuring the work of Maximilian Le Cain, Vicky Langan, Atoosa Pour Hosseini, Rouzbeh Rashidi, Michael Higgins, Jann Clavadetscher, Chris O’Neill and Shelly Kamiel.

Until June 25


Elizabeth Magill’s Red Stars and Variations at Kerlin Gallery

Featuring abstract and haunted landscapes that never fail to fascinate.

Until July 10


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