NCAD Poster Exhibition

Posted March 29, 2012 in Exhibition Previews

DDF apr-may-24 – Desktop

The summer will bring a fleet of end of year exhibitions, but for an advance preview of some of NCAD’s blossoming talent, the VisCom Poster Show launches on April 17th. Thirty-two posters, from twelve illustrators and twenty graphic designers in their final year, will explore the given concept of ‘Possibilities’ through a gorgeous concoction of typography, colour, line and shape. Each one an edition of ten, they can be snapped up on the night, with proceeds going towards the print costs of the students’ degree show publication. Now, whereas previous editions of the event have been squeezed into the corners of city centre bars, the NCAD-ers have, for the first time, been given reign over the prestigious on-campus gallery which faces out onto Thomas Street – normally reserved for established artists and alumni. They’ll then be heading off to celebrate in the suitably graphically-pleasing, and strollable, U Bar, where the official after-party’s taking place.

Where? NCAD Gallery, Thomas Street

When? April 17th – 20th. Opening reception 6:30-9pm.

Words: Rosa Abbott


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