TD #164 May 2018: YES Together For Choice

Posted May 5, 2018 in More

This issue’s cover was co-conceived by Totally Dublin designer Lauren Kavanagh and knitwear designer Liadain Aiken.


“I’d wanted to create a knitted cover with Liadain for a while and the Referendum cover was an ideal opportunity. The idea of knitting as a traditional Irish, female activity appealed to me. There is also the unsavoury, but important to remember, association of the knitting needle with abortion – it’s time to provide safe and legal healthcare for all women. The ball of wool creating a figure 8 was a happy accident, which we felt was a nice addition.” – Lauren



“It was actually quite an emotional experience to knit this piece. For me, the back with all the tangled ends represents the complexity of this issue. Of all the women and men who are standing together and sharing their stories, in the hope that the slate will finally be wiped clean. That we can finally talk openly and know that our daughters and sons will have a choice.” – Liadain



You can pick up our May issue in these locations and of course the magazine is also available to read online here


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