Hemlines: Sinead Burke

Posted December 23, 2018 in Fashion


Sinead Burke has had a year of somersaulting success.

Her ability to spellbind audiences with articulate commentaries, instigating well-overdue conversations on the need to diversify design, has been exhibited – at least domestically for years now, but it was her eloquent TED talk in June 2017, the eye-opening “Why Design Should Include Everyone”, which saw her enrapture new legions of listeners across the globe (1.2 million, to be exact).

To trace Burke’s appearances and accolades since then is a dizzying endeavour, as a by-stander alone.

She captivated on the Business Of Fashion Voices stage last December with her “Designing for Disability” monologue, spoke at Davos the month after as the sole Irish female delegate, starred in a special print issue of BOF with two of fashion’s favourite Tims (Blanks, journalist and Walker, photographer), landed a place on the Vogue 25 list and was later announced as British Vogue’s new contributing editor.. all whilst continuing her PHD in Trinity.

Only a portion of her design pioneering could be documented here (her current projects could only be disclosed privately), but keep a very close eye on next year’s movements – with Burke at the sheering wheel, this industry is primed to take a leap towards inclusivity.



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