Roadmap: Standing with Ukraine

Posted May 17, 2023 in Arts and Culture

The war in Ukraine grinds on, slipping down the news agenda as a stalemate of sorts seems to be played out. Against this miserable backdrop, people attempt to go about their lives and the displaced remain displaced. We Stand With Ukraine is an anthology of poetry, prose and protest by a group of protesters who continue to assemble outside the Russian embassy on Orwell Road.

Pacifists, retired public servants, local residents, visual artists, parents and many more continue to gather, to remind us it is not over and our solidarity and awareness-raising is needed now as much as ever before. One such contributor Brendan writes, “More than twelve months on and I still stand outside the Russian embassy. In my case, I stand in silence. I stand with a simple blue and yellow flag. I stand in witness for the atrocities committed by the Russians against the women and children, old, disabled, sick people and also animals. There is little else I can do. I donate but I believe protest is necessary. My way of protesting is silent. I am not a by-stander. I am a witness.”

We Stand with Ukraine: An anthology of Poetry, Prose and Protest is edited by John Farrelly, Helen Dwyer and Julian Vignoles and published by Mercier Press, €14.99. All royalties will be donated to Ukranian Action.



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